Although I am around children all the time, wether it be my own or those at church, they never cease to amaze me with the things they say. This past week, my aunt passed away. My heart has been so burdened for my uncle and her children. As when anyone we love dies, the saddness seems to take over. However, Ethan, that same four year old nephew that didn't understand why I would want a bald headed baby, was about to remind me what I should really be doing. He and my son were carrying on a conversation about the clouds and sky, which led to how heaven was "up there." When Ethan shared with my two year old, "Joshua, Aunt Lois is in heaven with Jesus!" My little four year old nephew threw his hands in the air and shouted "Three Cheers for Aunt Lois!" Of course, Joshua followed suit and they together shouted, "three cheers for Aunt Lois, three cheers for Aunt Lois!" You see, they may be only 2 & 4 but they get it. When someone goes to heaven, we should rejoice! We knew my aunt had trusted in Jesus. Our hearts should be burdened on those that don't know Him. We are not promised tomorrow, so share the Good News of Jesus today!
I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6