I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
I love to have conversations with my four year old nepehw. Kids can say the funniest things sometimes. We were discussing his little (3 month old) brother who has a ton of hair and my 7 month old who barely has any. My nephew came to the conclusion that he loved his brother more than anything in the world and after all "who would want a bald headed baby anyway." I told him how I love my baby no matter what he looks like. It made me think about our Heavenly Father. I often get down about the way I look. Why can't I lose weight? So many days I'm too tired to want to take a shower much less do something with my hair and put on make up. That's just the outside, I won't even get started on what I would change on the inside. But God loves me no matter what. After all, He did make me. Let's take time today to thank God for making us so wonderfully.
Laura, you are amazingly wise for such a young woman. I love reading your blogs and remembering two little girls who are now beautiful young mothers - one with a baby with hair and one with a bald baby - each a fabulous mother!