Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A bald headed baby

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

I love to have conversations with my four year old nepehw. Kids can say the funniest things sometimes. We were discussing his little (3 month old) brother who has a ton of hair and my 7 month old who barely has any. My nephew came to the conclusion that he loved his brother more than anything in the world and after all "who would want a bald headed baby anyway." I told him how I love my baby no matter what he looks like. It made me think about our Heavenly Father. I often get down about the way I look. Why can't I lose weight? So many days I'm too tired to want to take a shower much less do something with my hair and put on make up. That's just the outside, I won't even get started on what I would change on the inside. But God loves me no matter what. After all, He did make me. Let's take time today to thank God for making us so wonderfully.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, you are amazingly wise for such a young woman. I love reading your blogs and remembering two little girls who are now beautiful young mothers - one with a baby with hair and one with a bald baby - each a fabulous mother!

