Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Choosing Holiness

You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own. Leviticus 20:26

I recently read a devotion about choosing holiness over the things of this world. Now, as a mom, I am constantly reminded that it's not just about me anymore. How can I ever expect my children to one day choose the pursuit of holiness over the pursuit of self gratification if I am not that consistent example for them? Of course, even if I was alone on this earth, I should strive to be set apart because that's what our Heavenly Father wants of us. But there is this overwhelming, humbling wow factor that comes into play when I think about the little souls that the Lord has placed in my arms. I want my children to see that I choose not to watch certain TV shows or movies that are displeasing to God...I want my children to see that I spend a part of my day reading His Word & praying...I want them to see that our priority in our home is Worshiping God above any other activities...In a nutshell, I want my children to see me pursuing holiness. Am I there? Unfortunately no, it's a daily struggle. But I better strive to get there fast because my two year old already knows "mommy's Bible" so he surely knows how much I'm picking it up.

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